It is necessary for one to understand that there is a great demand for good market analysts. The market analysts are one who has all the means, motive and financial backing to start his or her own company. He is endowed with all the skills and motive to start a new business from different opportunities that are presented to him. The entrepreneur is responsible for the success or failure of the new company.

  • He is one who has the ability and acumen to manage a corporation. This is significant because he or she is not responsible for creating a new business but new business strategies for an existent company. His function is to ensure that the shareholders get their maximum returns and the company reaches its highest potential within the market.
  • Once we grasp the difference between the two, it becomes easier to understand what the expectations from market analysts are. The analyst must also locate these opportunities in the market but unlike the entrepreneur who establishes his own rules and criteria, he or she must fit in these new business opportunities within the framework of the corporation. He works as an inside entrepreneur and must meet the criteria of the corporation.
  • The difference is identified through their relationship with the business. He is committed to his own plans and goals. The market analysts are committed to the overall corporation’s aims and goals.
  • He or she, thus, has a significant role within the corporate world. It requires a careful study and analysis of the business structure in terms of its internal and external functions, aims, goals and criteria. He is required to understand the workings of the corporation and act accordingly. All plans and actions must be taken that will ensure maximum profit and success. He is hired so that he can instinctively plan and strategize new business ways.
