Independent contractor job profile and description

Independent contractors are the contractors who are not employed by any firm. They have their own business system, which they use to perform tasks for other individuals or companies. Although they may be repeatedly hired by a company for a task, they do not appear on the company’s pay lists. Independent contractors may set up business in any field, ranging from construction to fashion designers. They may or may not have a fixed work force

Independent contractor duties and responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of an independent contractor are:

  • Applying for the job in different companies by submitting estimates and designs enclosed in a tender
  • Understanding the requirements of the clients and providing good services
  • Assembling a work force of talented workers for the job
  • Making financial estimates of two kinds – one that comprises of the expenses incurred by the contractor for the work based on which, the second estimate, which is to be submitted as a tender, is made
  • Ensuring that the deadlines and budgets are met
  • Ensuring that all the legal documents such as permissions and licenses are in order

Independent contractor skills and specifications

An independent contractor needs to have very sharp business acumen in order to grab projects and develop his business. The skills and specifications of an independent contractor are:

  • A good technical knowledge in the respective industry
  • Creativity and the ability to work efficiently in different kinds of projects
  • Excellent communication, negotiation and organization skills
  • A good knowledge about all the legal formalities related to the field

Independent contractor education and qualification

There is no specified education and qualification for an independent contractor. However, a bachelor’s degree or a certification course in his field of work is helpful from the point of prospective clients.

Independent contractors salary

The salary of an independent contractor varies based on the projects that he obtains. Independent contractor’s average salary is $80,000.
