Fresher Software Job Profile & Description

It is fair to say that the IT industry is one of the fastest growing industries internationally. There are various new niches being formed in the industry. Fresher software jobs consist of all the entry level jobs for graduates in the software development and marketing sector of IT. These jobs may be voluntary or be offered as an internship. Landing a fresher software job does not require any past experience in the IT industry. Knowledge in the industry however is a requirement.

Responsibilities and Duties

There are various job titles that fall under fresher software jobs e.g. software engineering assistant, software development assistant, programming assistant. The fresher software professional will be answerable to their supervisor and will in most cases be assigned minor tasks. The fresher software professional will in most cases be working as an assistant to their supervisor.

  • Receiving reports on errors and problems as experienced by clients concerning software
  • Assisting in the interpretation of customer reports and documentation of these reports
  • Assisting in the development of software test scenarios
  • Assisting in the implementation of software tests
  • Documentation of the results of software tests
  • Assisting in the investigation of client needs, requirements and specifications for software development
  • Detecting and tracking errors and defects using tracking software and equipment
  • Preparation of reports on software development and testing

Education and Qualifications

The educational qualification required are dependent on the field of software development in which you are interested in. A bachelor’s degree in an IT related field is sufficient for most fields. However, certain fields such as programming and embedded software development will require specialized knowledge of certain programming languages and skills in the use of specific software.



Fresher Job Duties
