Manufacturing career descriptions make the career opportunities available in the field of manufacturing available to individuals who want to embark on a successful career in this field. Different jobs are available for various posts of manufacturing, and the kind of educational and job descriptions needed may vary widely depending on the type of job. The skills that can be applicable in general to all manufacturing related jobs is the knowledge of mechanics, the operation or production of the product, and awareness of computers to monitor and manage the manufacturing. One key factor in manufacturing is that it should be done with accurate design and measurements. One should be able to work with various devices and equipments that are used for manufacturing and should have a good eye for detail. The following are the various career options, education and job requirements for candidates aspiring to set up a career in the field of manufacturing.

Various career choices are available in the field of manufacturing. Some of them are listed below:

  • Manufacturing Manager
  • Automotive Manufacturer
  • Chemical Manufacturer
  • Plastic Manufacturer
  • Aerospace Manufacturer
  • Cook
  • Medicine producing specialists
  • Petroleum Manufacturer
  • Biotech technicians
  • Maintenance mechanics

The following factors are also needed to be considered if one is considering a career in the field of manufacturing:

  • Candidates should necessarily pursue graduation and preferable post graduation in manufacturing or production their selected field of study.
  • They should be able to use the tools and machines to manufacture with ease. They should also be aware of the raw materials or ingredients used in manufacturing or production.
  • The familiarity with latest techniques and tools will be an added advantage.

Director Manufacturing Career Description

Manufacturing Manager Career Description

Manufacturing Operation Manager Career Description
