Maintenance Career descriptions present you a list of career opportunities in the maintenance sector. Candidates can pursue their profession in maintenance in many sectors like aero space, travel and transportation, product industries and any other service industries. Depending on the sector, the work environment will vary. The general expectations of any professional in maintenance field are ability to understand the working of the machines used for production, ability to test, detect, and solve problems in the machine and conduct regular maintenance checks to avoid serious breakdowns. The following data gives you useful information for candidates aspiring to embark on a career in maintenance. Career options, educational requirements, and job requirements are listed below.

Various career choices are available in the field of maintenance. Some of them are listed below:

  • Maintenance Worker
  • Transportation and Vehicle maintenance
  • Aerospace Maintenance
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Maintenance Engineer
  • Maintenance Technician
  • Maintenance Repair
  • Housekeeping Services
  • Maintenance Supervisor
  • Maintenance Mechanic

The following factors are also needed to be considered if one is considering a career in the field of maintenance:

  • Students should pursue graduation in mechanical engineering or maintenance management.
  • Live projects and internships can provide candidates valuable knowledge to get into this sector and increase their earning potential.
  • Ability to handle various tools of machinery with ease and working under tight deadlines will be considered valuable traits.
  • Even candidates with non mechanical background can get into this sector if they work under supervisors as assistance in maintenance. On the job work exposure if preferred over theoretical knowledge.

Maintenance Manager Career Description

Maintenance Supervisor Career Description

Aircraft Engine Mechanic Career Description
