Office career descriptions give you details on a variety of career opportunities that can be pursued in the office workspace. Most of them are generic jobs and do not need any specialised knowledge. Candidates who want to work in these office jobs need a minimum qualification to carry out their responsibilities. Generally all the jobs that fall under the category of office careers include generally clerk and administrative services. The following are the career options, and other requirements that are needed to be taken care of if one is desirous of embarking on a career in office.

Various career choices are available in various types of offices. Some of them are listed below:

  • Office Receptionist
  • Office clerk
  • Account Assistant
  • Customer grievance assistant manager
  • Office Executive
  • Office book keeping assistant
  • Office secretary
  • Security officer
  • Office administrative manager
  • Office appointment assistant

The following factors are also needed to be considered if one is considering a career in the office workstation:

  • There is no formal educational requirement to work in the office space in the kind of jobs specified above.
  • Students who have completed their high school can apply for these jobs. A few weeks of on the job training is sufficient to be able to manage their role well.
  • They help to plan, organize, and conduct business smoothly. They also need to maintain records of people coming in and going out and those that are availing the services of the firm.
  • They take telephone calls from customers and direct them to the right authorities. They also fix meetings and appointments among clients and authorities of the firm.

Office Manager Career Description

Operation Manager Career Description

Receptionist Career Description
