Office Supervisor Job Profile and Description

The office supervisor is highly important in any institution. The supervisor performs several functions that are vital in maintaining smooth operations of any organization. An office supervisor performs tasks that can ensure and maximize of efficiency of an office or unit. Moreover, the office supervisor also undertakes administrative tasks as well as the payroll of the personnel. The supervisor also provides administrative and secretarial services to the manager or director of the company.

Duties and Responsibilities

Here are some of the main responsibilities of an office supervisor:

  • Oversee the overall staff recruitment and maintenance.
  • Supervise the work of employees and subordinates.
  • Perform regular evaluations of the performance of staff members.
  • Train new employees and upgrade the skills and knowledge of present staff.
  • Design training programs for new employees or skill enhancement plans for the current employees.
  • Create ways to ensure that employees are performing within the competency level required by the institution.
  • Participate in creating policies and procedures for the office.
  • Update these policies and procedures to make sure they are applicable in the current office situation.
  • Negotiate or mediate between office disputes and arguments.
  • Serve as front line negotiator for work-related problems.
  • Ensure adequate supplies for the office and maintain accurate and updated inventories.
  • Arrange for the procurement of supplies needed in the office.
  • Entertain customer inquiries, suggestions and other grievances.
  • Ensure complete office requirements for evaluation purposes.
  • Coordinate with other offices or related units to perform functions that are not within the scope of the said office.
  • Conduct assessment on staff performance and other office-related aspects to see the potential and current problems.
  • Create innovative solutions to office or work-related problems based on the research done.
  • Design a work schedule that optimizes employee time and skills.
  • Maintain financial reports that accurately reflect the financial situation of the office.
  • Compile the needed documentation and other requirements needed for government evaluation.
  • Participate in budget planning and other resource allocation for the institution.
  • Analyze the work place situation to create means to increase employee efficiency.
  • Initiate measures to lower work place expenses without compromising the quality of the products or services.
