Securities Analyst Job Profile and Description

Securities analysts explore and evaluate securities markets and trends to identify high yielding securities to enable the company’s financial mangers to maintain a reasonably profitable inventory of marketable securities instead of idle cash lying in low yield bank deposits.  They are considered among the most vital sources of information in the financial markets.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Analyze financial and investment information about companies, stocks, bonds using daily stock quotes, bond performance reports, market and economic forecasts, trading volumes, quarterly financial statements and other financial statements and publications.
  • Regularly meet with financial and investment planning managers to provide updates on investment landscape updates on select industries.
  • Provide investment advice and recommendations to senior company officials, pension fund managers, securities agents and associates
  • Coordinate with stock brokers and investment portfolio managers to secure the best yielding investment instruments.
  • Call stock brokers to sell or implement divestment decisions.
  • Travel to companies and conduct interviews with investors.

Skills and Specifications

  • Must be able to work with an eye for financial detail and computational accuracy considering that options for money market placements can be just a matter of fractional cents.
  • Must be able to comply with deadlines and work under pressure
  • Must be able to work with a team and have excellent interpersonal skills to interact with brokers, banks, investment houses and government financial agencies when assigned
  • Must have a good understanding of the dynamics of investments and risk management principles

Education and Qualifications

The position requires a college degree in a business or accounting field with a strong bias in Banking, Accountancy, Financial Management and Business Administration. A 2-3 year experience in investment firms, bourses and financing business or a post graduate course in investment management is an advantage.
